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cowboy town concert

Save $10 | Strathmore Summer Time Concerts

Did you know that if you buy your Cowboy Town Concert tickets AND your Friday Night Round-Up tickets together that you save $10

2023 Summer Jobs | Apply Now!

Looking for a fun summer job? The Strathmore & District Agricultural Society is hiring for various positions as we get ready for the busy season ahead of us.

To apply, please send your resume & cover letter to or drop it off at the office in a sealed envelope!

Don't think these are a good fit for you? Stay tuned as we will be advertising more positions for the summer soon!

Cowboy Town Concert 2023 | Opening Act Announcement

Brandon Lorenzo has just been announced as the opening act for Brett Kissel at the 2023 Cowboy Town Concert! Drew Gregory will also be joining again this year to wrap up the night with his legendary after-party concert. All these musicians in one night - it can’t be beat!

Tickets are on sale now!