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Infield Suites

FAQ | Infield Suites

These new Infield Suites are set to start construction this Fall, so we wanted to answer some of our fans questions they may have regarding them!

1. What is the cost of a Suite for the Strathmore Stampede?

The cost for these new Infield Suites for the four days of the Strathmore Stampede is $12,000+GST. These Suites are going to be top of the line with a bunch of added perks, such as, VIP washrooms, outdoor seating, high end finishing, catering, liquor service, personalized touches and more! All information can be found in our Marketing Brochure attached below.

2. Will any seating in the Infield be removed due to the Suites?

Nope! We will be keeping all seating that is currently in the infield the same - with the hopeful addition of coverage on the South end.

3. The back stretch of the Track is now going to be blocked?

While the Suites will block a very small portion of the back stretch from some viewing points, we do want to highlight that all turns will be fully visible as well as the finish line. In addition, we upgraded our jumbotron in 2022 to provide better quality and higher resolution - you won’t miss out on any of the action!

4. Will you be utilizing local companies to help with the construction of these new Suites?

These Suites are still in the beginning stages, but as we progress, our plan is to utilize local companies as much as possible! Local companies will be invited to bid once the work packages are ready for release.

5. What will you be doing with your current Announcers Booth?

Our hope is to donate it to another community near by for them to utilize!

6. When will the construction be complete?

Construction will be wrapped up by the Spring 2024 prior to the High School Rodeo on May long weekend!

If you have any additional questions regarding the Suites, please contact Allison McWilliam at!

Mock Design by Modern Dimensions

Coming 2024 | Brand New Infield Suites

As you may have heard, the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society is excited to announce the construction of brand new Infield Suites in 2024.

“These suites are going to be top of the line” said CEO of the Ag Society, Ryan Schmidt, “we are excited to provide a premier experience for companies to host clients or for families to gather.”

Construction for these Suites are set to start in September of 2023 with it wrapping up in Spring of 2024.

For more information on how to purchase one of these Suites, please contact Allison McWilliam, Director of Suite Sales at

Mock Design by Modern Dimensions

Mock Design by Modern Dimensions