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practical ranching school

Help required for this initiative to begin - read below!

practical ranching school (1).png

Remaining true to its mission, the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society is committed to developing programming that directly supports agriculture. To that end the Ag Society is pursuing the establishment of a Practical Ranching School. While there are many Agriculture Diplomas available throughout the province, they are largely academically, and classroom based. There is a need for a ranching education that is practical, hands on and accessible to young aspiring ranchers some of whom do not come from ranching backgrounds.

With its ownership of a quarter section of land located just outside of Strathmore, the Ag Society is perfectly positioned to develop such a program. Targeted at High School and College aged youth the program will enroll students in the Practical Ranching School, and they will receive a certificate for their work and learning on the ranch.  The ranch, cattle and related facilities will be owned and operated by the Ag Society under the guidance of a new Operational Committee entitled the “Ranching Committee”.  Day to day operations will be worked by the students under the oversight of one or more volunteer or paid ranching mentors. The school launch is TBD.  If you are interested in helping with this initiative, contact our office at 403-934-5811.